Dedicated to simplicity, dignity and economy in preplanned funerals


Body Bequeathal Program:  This program through the University of Saskatchewan provides the opportunity to donate your body to medical education and/or science.

Dying With Dignity:   Information about hospice care, legal questions,  bereavement support services, living wills, and related counselling services.

Advance Care Planning (also known as Living Will):

Advanced Care Directive (ACD) Also known as Living Will:

Body Transfer Service Providers

Compassionate Transfer Services Ltd. (Regina)

Funeral and Cremation Services Council of Saskatchewan

Death Café: 

A creative way to explore how death can inform and inspire the way we live.

Direct Links to Other Memorial Societies:

Calgary Co-Operative  Memorial Society

Memorial Society of Edmonton & district

The Memorial Society of Red Deer & District

Memorial Society of British Columbia

People’s Memorial Society of B.C. Vancouver Island Memorial Society

End-of-Life Conversation:

> The Conversation Project
 - Starter Kit

> Dying with Dignity Conversation Starters

End of Life Doula / Death Doula:

End of Life Doula Association of Canada


Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association

Canadian Virtual Hospice

Saskatchewan Hospice Palliative Care Association

Saskatchewan Medical Association

Saskatchewan Legal Documents Flowchart

Community Deathcare Canada

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