Services Provided
FAMSS carries on a continuing education program urging dignity, simplicity, and economy in funeral rites. Speakers are available to address interested groups. Call (866) 283-2677 (toll free in Saskatchewan) or (306) 374-5190 in Saskatoon.
Services are available to Saskatchewan residents only.
As a member, you will receive:
- a Membership Card for your wallet upon completion and return of the “My After Death Wishes” form (MADW)
- a Member’s Manual: a guide to funeral planning
- two copies of the MADW form to record your end of life preferences
- a 15% discount on funeral services supplied by the FAMSS-contracted funeral home in your area
- a price list negotiated with the FAMSS-contracted funeral home in your area
- an Advance Health Care Directive (Living Will) form
- an Alternatives to Burial form: body, organ donation
- a family register to record important family information
- an annual newsletter
- assistance by telephone 866-283-2677 (toll free in Saskatchewan) or 306-374-5190 in Saskatoon.